Commit 98e50362 authored by jackfrued's avatar jackfrued


parent 6d7fb903
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## Docker入门
## Docker简易上手指南
### Docker简介
虚拟机(virtual machine)就是带环境安装的一种解决方案,它可以在一种操作系统里面运行另一种操作系统,比如在Windows系统里面运行Linux系统,在macOS上运行Windows,而应用程序对此毫无感知。使用过虚拟机的人都知道,虚拟机用起来跟真实系统一模一样,而对于虚拟机的宿主系统来说,虚拟机就是一个普通文件,不需要了就删掉,对宿主系统或者其他的程序并没有影响。但是虚拟机通常会占用较多的系统资源,启动和关闭也非常的缓慢,总之用户体验没有想象中的那么好。
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ docker stop <container-id>
docker stop <name>
docker container kill <container-id>
......@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ service docker start
"registry-mirrors": [
"registry-mirrors": [
......@@ -195,3 +195,4 @@ select user, host, plugin, authentication_string from user where user='root';
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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## 项目实战 - 开启团队项目
## 开启团队项目
### 创建项目
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......@@ -61,32 +61,33 @@ API接口返回的数据通常都是JSON或XML格式,我们这里不讨论后
| 参数名 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 参数位置 | 说明 |
| ------ | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ | |
| ------ | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ |
| page | 整数 | 否 | 查询参数 | 页码,默认值1 |
| size | 整数 | 否 | 查询参数 | 每次获取评论数量(10~100),默认值20 |
| key | 字符串 | 是 | 请求头 | 用户的身份标识 |
"code": 10000,
"message": "获取评论成功",
"page": 1,
"size": 10,
"totalPage": 35,
"contents": [
"userId": 1700095,
"nickname": "王大锤",
"pubDate": "2018年7月31日",
"content": "小编是不是有病呀"
"content": "小编是不是有病呀",
/* ... */
"userId", 1995322,
"nickname": "白元芳",
"pubDate": "2018年8月2日",
"content": "楼上说得好"
"content": "楼上说得好",
/* ... */
......@@ -108,16 +109,15 @@ API接口返回的数据通常都是JSON或XML格式,我们这里不讨论后
| 参数名 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 参数位置 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------ |
| userId | 字符串 | 是 | 消息体 | 用户ID |
| token | 字符串 | 是 | 消息体 | 用户的令牌或URL的签名 |
| content | 字符串 | 是 | 消息体 | 评论的内容 |
| 参数名 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 参数位置 | 说明 |
| ------- | ------ | -------- | -------- | ---------- |
| userId | 字符串 | 是 | 消息体 | 用户ID |
| key | 字符串 | 是 | 请求头 | 用户的令牌 |
| content | 字符串 | 是 | 消息体 | 评论的内容 |
"code": 10001,
"message": "创建评论成功",
......@@ -129,5 +129,3 @@ API接口返回的数据通常都是JSON或XML格式,我们这里不讨论后
/* ... */
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## 英语面试
### 开场寒暄
1. I: Thanks for waiting. (Please follow me.)
C: It's no problem.
2. I: How are you doing this morning?
C: I'm great. / I'm doing fine. Thank you. / How about you?
3. I: How did you get here?
C: I took the subway here. / I drove here.
4. I: Glad to meet you.
C: Glad to meet you. / It's great to finally meet you in person. (之前电话沟通过的)
### 正式面试
#### 人力面试
1. I: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? (介绍下自己)
原则:不要谈私生活和奇怪的癖好(英雄联盟干到钻石),因为别人更想知道的是你的专业技能(qulifications)和工作经验(experience),所以重点在你之前的公司(company name)、职位(title)、时间(years)和主要职责(major responsibilities)
C: Thank you for having me. My name is Dachui WANG. I'm 25 years old, and I'm single. I have a Bachelor's Degree of Computer Science from Tsinghua University. I was a Junior Java Programmer for ABC Technologies during my college life. Then I become an intermediate Java engineer for XYZ Corporation in last two years. Programming is my everyday life and programming is where my passion is. I think I have a good knowledge of Java enterprise application developement using light-weight frameworks like Spring, Guice, Hibernate and other open source middle-ware like Dubbo, Mycat, rocketmq and so on and so forth. I love reading, travelling and playing basketball in my spare time. That's all! Thank you!
2. I: How would you describe your personality? (你的性格)
C: I'm hard working, eager to learn, and very serious about my work. I enjoy working with other people and I love challenges.
3. I: What do you know about our company? (你对我们公司有什么了解)
C: The one thing that I like the most about our company is your core values. I think they're very important in this industry because …(自由发挥的部分)... I personally really believe in the cause as well. Of course, I'm very interested in your products such as …(功课部分)… and the techniques behind them.
4. I: Why are you leaving your last job? (为什么离职)
C: I want to advance my career and I think this job offers more challenges and opportunities for me do to that.
5. I: What do you see yourself in 3 or 5 years? (3-5年职业规划)
C: My long term goals involve growing with the company, where I can continue to learn, to take on additional responsibilities and to contribute as much value as I can. I intend to take advantage of all of these.
6. I: What's your salary expectation? (期望薪资)
C: My salary expectation is in line with my experience and qualifications. I believe our company will pay me and every other employee fairly. (把球踢给对方先看看对方报价是多少,如果对方非要你报价再说后面的内容) I think 15 thousands RMB or above is fitting for me to leave in Chengdu.
7. I: Do you have any questions for me? (问面试官的问题)
C: What's the growth potential for this position?
#### 技术面试
1. I: What's difference between an interface and an abstract class?
2. I: What are pass by reference and pass by value?
3. I: What's the difference between process and threads?
4. I: Explain the available thread state in high-level.
5. I: What's deadlocks? How to avoid them?
6. I: How HashMap works in Java?
7. I: What's the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList? (类似的问题还有很多,比如比较HashSet和TreeSet、HashMap和Hashtable)
8. I: Tell me what you know about garbage collection in Java.
9. I: What're two types of exceptions in Java?
10. I: What's the advantage of PreparedStatement over Statement?
11. I: What's the use of CallableStatement?
12. I: What does connection pool mean?
13. I: Explain the life cycle of a Servlet.
14. I: What's the difference between redirect and forward?
15. I: What's EL? What're implicit objects of EL?
16. I: Tell me what you know about Spring framework and its benefits.
17. I: What're different types of dependency injection.
18. I: Are singleton beans thread safe in Spring framework?
19. I: What're the benefits of Spring framework's transaction management?
20. I: Explain what's AOP.
21. I: What's a proxy and how to implement proxy pattern?
22. I: How Spring MVC works?
23. I: What's the working scenario of Hibernate and MyBatis?
24. I: How to implement SOA?
25. I: Make a brief introduction of the projects you are involved before?
## 面试中的公共问题
### 计算机基础
1. TCP/IP模型相关问题。
> 建议阅读阮一峰的[《互联网协议入门(一)》](和[《互联网协议入门(二)》](。
2. HTTP和HTTPS相关问题。
> 建议阅读阮一峰的[《HTTP 协议入门》](和[《SSL/TLS协议运行机制的概述》](。
3. Linux常用命令和服务。
4. 进程和线程之间的关系。什么时候用多线程?什么时候用多进程?。
5. 关系型数据库相关问题(ACID、事务隔离级别、锁、SQL优化)。
6. 非关系型数据库相关问题(CAP/BASE、应用场景)。
### Python基础
1. 开发中用过哪些标准库和三方库。
> 标准库:sys / os / re / math / random / logging / json / pickle / shelve / socket / datetime / hashlib / configparser / urllib / itertools / collections / functools / threading / multiprocess / timeit / atexit / abc / asyncio / base64 / concurrent.futures / copy / csv / operator / enum / heapq / http / profile / pstats / ssl / unitest / uuid
2. 装饰器的作用、原理和实现。
3. 使用过哪些魔法方法。
> 建议阅读[《Python魔术方法指南》](。
4. 生成式、生成器、迭代器的编写。
5. 列表、集合、字典的底层实现。
6. 垃圾回收相关问题。
7. 并发编程的相关问题。
8. 协程和异步I/O相关知识。
### Django和Flask
1. MVC架构(MTV)解决了什么问题。
2. 中间件的执行流程以及如何自定义中间件。
3. REST数据接口如何设计(URL、域名、版本、过滤、状态码、安全性)。
> 建议阅读阮一峰的[《RESTful API设计指南》](。
4. 使用ORM框架实现CRUD操作的相关问题。
- 如何实现多条件组合查询 / 如何执行原生的SQL / 如何避免N+1查询问题
5. 如何执行异步任务和定时任务。
6. 如何实现页面缓存和查询缓存?缓存如何预热?
### 爬虫相关
1. Scrapy框架的组件和数据处理流程。
2. 爬取的目的(项目中哪些地方需要用到爬虫的数据)。
3. 使用的工具(抓包、下载、清理、存储、分析、可视化)。
4. 数据的来源(能够轻松的列举出10个网站)。
5. 数据的构成(抓取的某个字段在项目中有什么用)。
6. 反反爬措施(限速、请求头、Cookie池、代理池、Selenium、PhantomJS、RoboBrowser、TOR、OCR)。
7. 数据的体量(最后抓取了多少数据,多少W条数据或多少个G的数据)。
8. 后期数据处理(持久化、数据补全、归一化、格式化、转存、分类)。
### 数据分析
1. 科学运算函数库(SciPy和NumPy常用运算)。
2. 数据分析库(Pandas中封装的常用算法)。
3. 常用的模型及对应的场景(分类、回归、聚类)。
4. 提取了哪些具体的指标。
5. 如何评价模型的优劣。
6. 每种模型实际操作的步骤,对结果如何评价。
### 项目相关
1. 项目团队构成以及自己在团队中扮演的角色(在项目中的职责)。
2. 项目的业务架构(哪些模块及子模块)和技术架构(移动端、PC端、后端技术栈)。
3. 软件控制管理相关工具(版本控制、问题管理、持续集成)。
4. 核心业务实体及其属性,实体与实体之间的关系。
5. 用到哪些依赖库,依赖库主要解决哪方面的问题。
6. 项目如何部署上线以及项目的物理架构(Nginx、Gunicorn/uWSGI、Redis、MongoDB、MySQL、Supervisor等)。
7. 如何对项目进行测试,有没有做过性能调优。
8. 项目中遇到的困难有哪些,如何解决的。
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